Project Updates
Showing 1-20 of 84,874 items.
#Project CodeProject NameDepartmentDistrictPhaseProgress StatusApprove Date
1SS/D-2/OinamGovt LAB- BSPStrengthening of Government Secondary and Higher Secondary under Samagra Shiksha(Secondary) 2023-24 at Oinam Government Higher Secondary School, BishnEducation (S)Bishnupur bb
2SPD/RMSA/NINGTHOUKHONG KHAConstruction of one library Edu (S) - SSA & RMSABishnupur n b
3SS/D-2/HuiningAraPS 5ACR- UKLConstruction of Dilapidated Building Primary School Under Samagra Shiksha (Elementary) Manipur during 2022-2023 at Huining Ara Primary School, Ukhrul,Education (S)Ukhrul NilIn progress
4EE/JBM/Major Repairing PWD Guest house,JiribaMajor repairing of PWD Guest house, JiribamPWDJiribam Phase IIn progress
5AMRUT-IIIIntegrated water supply for Imphal planning area (SAAP-iii)PHEDImphal-East(III)Active
6CCP/DAR/2022-23/Rd2/365-10 Impvt. of Hanship waiting shed to LeisenPWDChurachandpur,2022-2023In progress
7CCP/DAR/2022-23/Rd2/365-10 Impvt. of Hanship waiting shed to LeisenPWDChurachandpur,2022-2023In progress
8MOBEDS/Sugnu/50 bedded girls HostelConstruction of 50 bedded Girls Hostel at Sugnu Hr. Sec. School, SugnuMOBCThoubal,5In progress
9MOBEDS/Sugnu/50 bedded girls HostelConstruction of 50 bedded Girls Hostel at Sugnu Hr. Sec. School, SugnuMOBCThoubal,5In progress
10MOBEDS/Sugnu/50 bedded girls HostelConstruction of 50 bedded Girls Hostel at Sugnu Hr. Sec. School, SugnuMOBCThoubal,5In progress
11MOBEDS/Sugnu/50 bedded girls HostelConstruction of 50 bedded Girls Hostel at Sugnu Hr. Sec. School, SugnuMOBCThoubal,5In progress
12IWD/Incomplete Works/293Incomplete work of drainage system on the southern side along U.K. Road from foot to Over bridge to Canteen RoadPWDImphal-West-Completed
13SE-I/IW-DRP/2022-23/R105-4 Major Khul DM CampConstn of roads, drains and culverts in Thangal Bazar, Major Khul and DM CampusPWDImphal-West-100%
14IED/Idigah Road/883Improvement of Idigah roadPWDImphal-East--Completed 17/07/2024
15IED/Kongpal Iranpham-Thambalkhong/891Improvement of Road from Kongpal Iranpham Thong to Thambalkhong eastern side Kongba BazarPWDImphal-East--Completed16/07/2024
16SE-I/DRP/2023-24/Rc-98 - foothpath Dingku RdConstruction of foothpath for Dingku road, Imphal EastPWDImphal-East--completed 100 pc11/07/2024
17IWD/KantoShantipur-cooperative/SE-I/014Impvt. of road from Kanto Shantipur to Co-operativePWDImphal-West--completed
18SE-I/DRP/2023-24/Rc-98 - foothpath Dingku RdConstruction of foothpath for Dingku road, Imphal EastPWDImphal-East--completed 100 pc11/07/2024
19IED/Standard College Road/882Improvement of Standard College Road.PWDImphal-East--Completed 16/07/2024
20IED/Idigah Road(Ph-2)-Kheikhu/892Improvement of Idigah Road Phase 2 in and around KeikhuPWDImphal-East--Completed 16/07/2024